10 July, 2009

Dumb Criminal

Hypothetical: Let's just pretend you were a prisoner. And if you were a prisoner, let's just pretend you were stupid enough to try and escape.

And if you were a prisoner and you were stupid enough to escape... what would you do next? I hear you: a chorus of "Run!" and "Hide!" and "Get the hell away from the prison!"

I now present Dumb Criminal Exhibit A: a 25-year-old prison escapee in Georgia, USA, was caught sneaking back into prison.

(dramatic pause)

Please retrieve your jaw from the ground and return it to its regular upright position.

Evidently, he only snuck out to steal some cigarettes. What I can't get my head around was this, though: Dude. You're OUT. You know, OUTSIDE the fence? Free and stuff! How is taking cigarettes back into your cell a better option?


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